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Actions Creator


actions-creator is an awesome javascript package that allows you to dynamically create action objects in Redux without declaring CONSTANTS and separate action-creator functions for each action.


npm install actions-creator

Usage Example

import {actionsCreator} from 'actions-creator'

const action_1 = actionsCreator.MY.FIRST.ACTION('arg1')
// {
// type: 'MY/FIRST/ACTION',
// payload: 'arg1',
// }

const action_2 =
// {
// type: 'This/is/my/second/action',
// payload: 2021,
// }

// To get the type of action
String( actionsCreator.MY.FIRST.ACTION ) // 'MY/FIRST/ACTION'
// or
actionsCreator.MY.FIRST.ACTION().type // 'MY/FIRST/ACTION'

Actions With Callback

Sometimes we need the action to have callback capability. It might be necessary in many cases.

Actions Creator allows us to do this in a beautiful way: When we try to generate an action object, we can pass the callback function as the last argument. Actions Creator will check and if the last argument is a function, it will be considered as a callback function.

import {actionsCreator} from 'actions-creator'

const callback = () => {
console.log('Hello, I am callback!!!')

const action = actionsCreator.MY.CALLBACKABLE.ACTION(123, callback)
// {
// payload: 123,
// cb: [Function callback],
// }

action.cb() // 'Hello, I am callback!!!'


actionsCreator.ANY.ACTION(payload, callback?)

  • payload <Any>
    Any value as a payload.
  • callback <Function>
    Any function as a callback.

Returns <Object>

  • type <String> Action type as a string.

    actionsCreator.ANY.ACTION().type === 'ANY/ACTION' // true
  • payload <Any>
    The value of the payload - given in the first argument.

    actionsCreator.ANY.ACTION(123).payload === 123 // true
  • cb <Function>
    The function of the callback - given in the last argument.

    const callback = () => {};

    actionsCreator.ANY.ACTION(123, callback).cb === callback // true